

I am an Associate Professor at IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) in Denmark since 2018. At ITU, I lead the Resource-Aware Data Systems (RAD) group. My research focuses on exploiting modern hardware (processors and storage) more effectively for data-intensive systems. These days, more specifically, I focus on resource-aware and resource-constrained machine learning.

Before joining ITU, I was a research staff member at IBM Almaden Research Center (San Jose, CA, USA) for three years, where I was part of the team that led the development of IBM Db2 Event Store.

Before IBM, I received my PhD from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland in November 2014. During my PhD studies, I was a member of the Data-Intensive Applications and Systems Laboratory (DIAS) working under supervision of Prof. Anastasia Ailamaki. During my PhD, I was one of the main developers and maintainers of the Shore-MT storage manager.

Just before starting my PhD, I got my bachelor's degree from the Computer Engineering department of Koç University in İstanbul, Turkey in 2009. During my bachelor's, I was advised by Prof. Serdar Taşıran.

Here is my CV.

Email: pito@itu.dk


IT-Universitetet i København

Rued Langgaards Vej 7

2300 København S
